Monday, 16 April 2007

Happiness Known


And so, special man, here I am again. A short hiatus for rest and respite, but still I cannot shake these thoughts of you. Every spare minute is spent thinking of you, your predicament and how you have gone for good. No chance of your return.

Mrs Parker has been keeping me company - coincidentally, you share the same birthday. I am sure you remember my fascination with coincidences, names, numbers and their significance.

I got to thinking that I would like to post a piece from Mrs P, in remembrance of you, as she is such a shining wit, and I know you would appreciate a few lines from her.

Here is my choice:-

I Know I Have Been Happiest

I know I have been happiest at your side;
But what is done, is done, and all’s to be.
And small the good, to linger dolefully—
Gayly it lived, and gallantly it died.
I will not make you songs of hearts denied,
And you, being man, would have no tears of me,
And should I offer you fidelity,
You’d be, I think, a little terrified.

Yet this the need of woman, this her curse:
To range her little gifts, and give, and give,
Because the throb of giving’s sweet to bear.
To you, who never begged me vows or verse,
My gift shall be my absence, while I live;
But after that, my dear, I cannot swear.

In fact, the gift that is given is your absence, lovely man. A difficult one to bear for sure.

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