Friday 16 March 2007

A Ghost in this House


That's the first line of one of my favourite songs by Allison Krauss. Whenever I played it, you always asked who was singing - so I know you liked it.

I'm just a ghost in this house
I'm all that's left of two hearts on fire
That once burned out of control
You took my body and soul
I'm just a ghost in this house

It seems very appropriate at the moment. There is some irony there that those who die and leave us behind also take some of our life with them, in more ways than one.

After you died, the first time I took a shower, it was like I was looking in on myself and washing someone else's body. Such a strange sensation. I didn't have any real consiousness of myself as a person, just as this shell to be cleaned and cared for.

So what we all have to try and do now is recover some of the life we have lost with your passing. How do we do that?

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